Divorce involves many financial adjustments. One of the biggest is child support. In Pennsylvania, both parents have a responsibility to bear the costs of rearing a child. This legal mechanism makes sure the needs of dependents are continually met. Many factors help...
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Child Support
How Is Child Support Calculated In Pennsylvania?
Navigating life after divorce can be complicated, especially when your kids are involved. Thinking about and trying to calculate child support payments is just one factor that can contribute to these complications. Figuring out child support can be challenging and...
Paternity Test – Be Sure BeforeYou Start Paying Child Support
You have probably heard the saying that life sometimes does not go as planned. Well as many young adults have found, sometimes life comes without a plan-especially when sex is involved. The costs associated with child support can be astronomical. Research shows that...
Child Support Order – What is a Voluntary Reduction of Income?
One of the realities for clients that are involved in child support or spousal support is that the parties' income fluctuates during the course of the order. A support is always modifiable and either party can petition the court to have the order modified at any time....
Child Support After 18?!
I have written previously about the expiration of a child support order and have discussed that the order doesn't necessarily expire when the child turns 18 years of age. The recent case involving a New Jersey teenager suing her parents for support (among other...
Is The Sperm Donor Responsible for Child Support?
In family law, the issues of paternity and child support are some of the most common and tend to go hand in hand. Often, a putative father will ask for a paternity test when the child's mother files for support. If the Court determines that it is appropriate to...
Overpayment of Child Support
Sometimes in child support cases, the payor ends up paying too much support over a period of time due to a clerical mistake or perhaps a garnishment of a Federal Income Tax return. As a result, there will be a surplus of support. However, the child support office will...
Step-Parent Support – Will Re-Marrying Change My Support Order?
Our office recently received a telephone call from an individual regarding a step-parent's obligation to pay child support. The prospective client was asking how her new husband's income would change her support order. The child's natural father had filed for a...
Deviation from Child Support – Part III
In addition to the three deviation factors I previously wrote about, the Court will consider a number of other issues when deciding whether or not to deviate from the guidelines in entering a child support order. The next factor that a Court can take into...
Deviation from Child Support – Part II
In my last blog entry, I provided an overview of the types of factors the court will consider when deciding on whether or not to deviate from a guideline child support order. In this and the next entry, I am going to further break down the reasons you may qualify for...