The police are supposed to work to serve and protect the public. This means patrolling neighborhoods, upholding the law, and stopping crime in progress. As is the nature of their profession, officers sometimes become confrontation with individuals. While this is...
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Month: August 2018
Workplace conflict can lead to employer-employee disputes
Conflict in the workplace is common, but if left unchecked, it can have an adverse effect on the business.Here are three areas of concern with issues that seem simple enough to resolve, but which could escalate into employer-employee disputes. Performance problemsAn...
Domestic violence can be crucial in child custody cases
Domestic violence is one of those issues that most people are aware exists but fail to recognize its prevalence. There are likely thousands upon thousands of families in Pennsylvania where domestic violence and emotional abuse are a frequent occurrence. While these...
The symptoms of traumatic brain injury
Many Pittsburgh-area residents who are injured as a result of the negligence of another are fortunate enough to escape with relatively minor injuries. These injuries may include scrapes, bruises or cuts. More moderate accidents leave victims suffering from broken...
Pastor’s breach of contract case heads to court of appeals
Various documents are necessary in the workplace. Employment contracts can serve a very important purpose in the business world. On one hand, it can allow an employee to solidify his or her compensation and benefits, as well as the term during which he or she will be...
Pennsylvania woman killed in pedestrian accident
Parking lots are the scene of many fender benders. Cars blindly pull out of parking spots only to be struck by oncoming vehicles. Others pull into parking lot lanes too quickly and too widely, causing them to strike vehicles traveling in the opposite direction....