We’ve been looking in recent posts at the two bases on which the government can build a drunken driving case, and some of the issues that need to be considered when building a strong defense against DUI charges. As we’ve noted, meeting or exceeding the...
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Month: May 2017
How do prosecutors build DUI cases, and why is experienced defense advocacy necessary? P.2
In our last post, we mentioned several important factors that need to be considered when scrutinizing the reliability of alcohol tests in drunken driving cases. As we mentioned, the scientific acceptability of breath testing software; proper calibration, use and...
How do prosecutors build DUI cases, and why is experienced defense advocacy necessary?
Most people understand that it is important to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney when facing drunken driving charges, if for no other reason than they do not understand the legal process and how to build a strong defense case. While in every drunken...
Basics of Pennsylvania contracts for small business owners
As a business owner, you can expect to sign a lot of contracts. You will enter into contractual relationships with vendors, customers, service providers and employees. Knowing how contracts work can help you deal with some common problems.First of all, you need a...
Work with experienced attorney to fight DUI charges, minimize penalties, P.1
Drunken driving is a serious problem affecting highway safety, and state are always looking for better ways to address the problem, whether through better public education, enhanced enforcement efforts, or passing stricter laws. Pennsylvania lawmakers, as Pittsburgh...