Businesses have a lot of issues that must be dealt with on a consistent basis. Many of these matters have a direct impact on a business's bottom line. Whether it is a contract dispute that threatens to slow the delivery or sale of a product, an intellectual property...
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Effective Legal Solutions
For more than 35 years, the attorneys at Gusty Sunseri & Associates, P.C.,
have produced trusted legal results for our clients.
Month: February 2018
Avoiding drug charges through drug court
With the opioid epidemic seeming to take the country by storm, local law enforcement agencies are cracking down hard on both those they believe are selling illegal narcotics as well as those who use them. The penalties for even the most minor drug conviction can leave...
Attracting talent through the use of employment contracts
In today's growing economy, one's business is only as good as the employees who work there. This means that attracting and maintaining top-notch talent can be crucial to a business's success. Although there may be many ways to try to attract beneficial employees, one...
We know how to spot prosecutorial weaknesses
Being charged with a criminal offense can be frightening. Prosecutors who are convinced of your guilt can threaten to put you behind bars for longer than you ever imagined. This can rip you away from your job, your family and everything else you have worked hard for...