So you are buying a house! What do you know about Property Law? You are about to make probably one of the most significant investments in your life. Of course, you want the house to be perfect. You don’t want any post closing issues that can cost you literally thousands of dollars. So you ask your real estate agent, “Do I need an real estate attorney?” He or she confidentially and emphatically states, “You definitely don’t need a lawyer! I know what needs to be in the sales agreement.” What the Agent does not tell you is that he or she has zero legal background and that the sales agreement has language in it that may not ultimately protect you. What the agent also won’t tell you is that as a buyer the agent has a disincentive to help you negotiate the best deal (i.e. the lowest price) because the higher the price, the more commission your agent makes.
So, call me before you sign an offer to purchase a home or with any other Property Law question. You will surely benefit from an experienced attorney!