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Looking for employment? CLEAR YOUR RECORD through Expungement

On Behalf of | Aug 30, 2012 | Expungement

The United States unemployment rate is hovering around 8%. Social media and the internet allows your criminal record available to every employer. May jobs require Act33/34 clearances If fact, there is even an “App” called ‘Docket on your Pocket’, that allows your friends, or foe, to pull up any of your past indiscretions with the law, just by typing in your name The fact of the matter is that all criminal cases remain on record and, therefore, accessible to the public unless they are expunged. Scary huh! But what if the charges were dismissed or you were found not guilty? Are the charges still listed? Yes, they are. The disposition will also be cited, but I have had individuals who have lost jobs opportunities because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time – had the charges dismissed, but a potential employer still asked-“what’s this about”? The bottom line is that if you have had a run in with the law, whether your fault or not, you should see if the charges are expugnable.

Under Pa. Law, 18 Pa.C.S.A. Section 9122 criminal records may be expunged under limited circumstances. Non convictions such as not guilty determinations, dismissals, withdrawal of charges or nolle prosequi, as well as ARD dispositions, are expungeable, if properly done. A petition must be filed to obtain an order from a common Pleas Judge which allows the records to be destroyed. So, check your record or call my office, Gusty Sunseri & Associates, P.C. and we will check it for you, to determine if you have criminal records that need to be expunged. Let us CLEAR THE RECORD.


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