The role of the husband …
The husband is to be the provider. As provider, he is responsible to give leadership. The scripture calls it being the head of the family. It is more than just sitting at the head of the table and carving the turkey at Thanksgiving.
Leadership is not being a dictator, ruling with an iron fist and dominating his wife. It was never the intent of God that human beings should dominate one another. Leadership is taking responsibility and providing guidance and direction. It is the husband’s responsibility to do more than to provide material things such as food, clothes, shelter and paying the bills. There is more to headship or leadership than the above. It also includes providing spiritual, moral and emotional leadership.
One of the key roles of a leader is improving or seeking to better the people whom he is leading. Therefore, the husband must be doing his best to make is wife become a better person.
The husband is to be the protector of his wife. Remember the meaning of husband – to be a band around. He does all he can to make his wife feel safe, not by getting a security system but providing it through his person; being there for her.
Submitted by Pastor W. Joseph
Should you wish to reach Pastor Joseph regarding his Marriage and Divorce series, you can contact him through my office, Gusty Sunseri & Associates, P.C..