Today we will continue with our discussion dealing with some keys points on how to make marriage successful… in order to avoid divorce. We have been dealing with the very important key point – that men and women are different. It is crucial to understand and respect these differences in order to make any marriage work.
So, let us continue by pointing out other areas where these differences are demonstrated. In conversations during times of communication, the husband will deal only with the mere facts of a particular situation, while the wife wants to deal with the smallest details. For example, the husband will respond to his wife’s question, “how was your day?” with a simple “good”. Whereas if the same question is asked to his wife, the answer will include information about who she saw, what they were wearing, what was said, what she did at work, what she had for lunch, about the traffic going and coming and possibly many more details. Additionally for a man, his job is the extension of his personality. For a woman, her home is the extension of her personality.
Submitted by Pastor W. Joseph
If you would like to reach Pastor Joseph, contact my Pittsburgh law firm, Gusty Sunseri & Associates, P.C. by phone at 888-894-0351 or email