As we continue to look at some keys in working toward a successful marriage that will avoid a marriage ending in divorce, remember, it is important that God must be given first place in our marriage because He is the one who came up with the institution of marriage.
Marriage is a union of two people who are different in many ways. Therefore, it is important to recognize and accept those differences and use them as a force for unity, not as a source for conflicts and problems which will eventually cause the marriage to end in a hurtful divorce. One must learn how to celebrate those difference, using them to compliment each other, while celebrating and maintaining the individuality of the individual within the union.
Bear in mind that men and women are very different in their make up. That is how they were created. Therefore, those differences will be manifested in the way that they deal with life’s situations and challenges. Women are emotional beings, whereas, men are more factual.
Written by Pastor Wilfred Joseph
Please feel free to contact my Pittsburgh Law Firm should you want to reach Pastor Wilfred Joseph.