In Part 1 of our discussion, we started to talk about the difficulties encountered by recently-divorced people during the holiday season. The holidays are a busy time already, and adding the stress and emotion of divorce to that mix can make the season unbearable. That is why it is important to step back at holiday time and watch out for one’s own emotional well-being. Sometimes it is fun and maybe even important in some ways to celebrate the holidays at full tilt. However, the first holiday season after a divorce may not be that time.
If someone is energized by socializing, then holiday parties may be just the ticket for helping get through some post-divorce blues. However, if a recently divorced person does not feel up to attending holiday parties, they should let the parties go by the wayside this time. Feelings of obligation to attend social functions should take a back seat to the obligation to take care of oneself after a draining experience like a divorce.
Parties and other holiday traditions will be there next year. In fact, many people have found that it is helpful during a “down” holiday season to start planning for the next year’s holiday season. Thinking about how things will be better, and at least a little more “back to normal,” can be reassuring. Also, planning well in advance for future activities during a slower year can make both years’ celebrations less hectic.
Source: Health News Digest “How to Survive the Holidays During or After Divorce,” Rose Sweet, Nov. 28, 2011