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Staying sane during Pittsburgh divorce: control the things you can

On Behalf of | Dec 5, 2011 | Divorce

Even when a Pittsburgh divorce is the right decision, the best option and the finalization of which you are looking forward to, it is a lot to handle. While making decisions about what you want in terms of custody, alimony and property, you still have to go to work, take care of the kids and do the household chores.

There are a few things that spouse’s can do to take away some of the personal chaos they feel during a divorce. First things first; make sure that you have your own experienced attorney. When you are comfortable with your attorney, you can leave a lot of the stressful details in his or her hands.

Next, if you are the one who initiated the divorce, keep in mind that your spouse has not had the same time to digest the decision. Keep in mind as well that your children not only handle divorce very differently than adults. Children are also the last to learn about the decision and have the most questions. Keep an open line of communication as they work through their own emotions.

Change is inevitable during a divorce. Be ready to adapt as the changes come your way. This does not mean that you do not forget about what you want as decisions are made. As you move forward, focus on yourself. You are the one that is going to live in your future so make sure that you are comfortable with how things are going. Make sure to voice your needs in a concise manner.

Source: The Huffington Post, “10 Tips for a Sane Divorce: Five for You, Five for Me,” Micki McWade, Nov. 28, 2011


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